Species Diversity and Distribution Turtles

Altogether, it is estimated there are about 260 species of turtles from 12-14 tribes (families) who are still living in various parts of the world. In Indonesia alone there are about 45 species of about 7 tribe of turtles and turtle.

These tribes and a few examples:
Children of the nation (Sub Order) Pleurodira
Chelidae, snake neck turtle

Interest is so named because most of its members have a long neck. Because it can not be drawn in, turtle head is just folded sideways on the edge of his body under the patronage of his shell.

Tribal snake neck turtle is spread mainly in Australia and Papua and surrounding islands, and in South America. Outside of these places were also found on the island of Rote, East Nusa Tenggara. Tortoise habitat is freshwater. Some of its kind in Indonesia, including:

    Rote turtle (Chelodina mccordi)
    Papua turtle (Chelodina novaeguineae)
    White belly turtle (Elseya branderhosti)
As his next of kin, Chelidae, a member of this tribe is a freshwater turtle. These turtles live in South America, Africa and Madagascar and is found in Indonesia.
Children of the nation Cryptodira
Cheloniidae, turtle
Fully aquatic turtles live in the ocean. Unless the females when laying eggs, the turtle may be said never again step on the mainland after he knew the sea since the hatch first. Head, legs and turtles can not be drawn into its shell. The legs of a turtle-shaped paddle, and nostrils are located on the upper side of the snout, is a form of perfect adaptation to marine life.

Turtle is widespread in the oceans around the world. Of the seven species of this tribe members, six of which are found in Indonesia. Some examples are:

    Green turtle (Chelonia mydas)
    Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Dermochelyidae, leatherbacks
Tribal turtle has only one member, namely the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Life in the oceans of up to a cold area, this turtle is the largest turtle is still alive. Body length (carapace length) can reach 3 m, although generally only about 1.5 m or less, and weighs close to 1 ton.

This tribe is composed of freshwater turtles and big-headed long-tailed, which is spreading in America. With the exception of one clan members (Platysternon) are spread in China and Indochina. Some experts Platysternon enter into a separate tribe, Platysternidae. Not exist in Indonesia.

Ie the tribe of freshwater turtles smaller than the center of America. Animals are capable of removing the unpleasant odor is not available in Indonesia.

Also limited spread in Central America. Dermatemys relatively large size and live in the rivers.
Carettochelyidae, Labi-Labi pig snout

This tribe has only one living member, the Labi-Labi pig snout (Carettochelys insculpta). Others have become extinct and only found in fossil form. Labi-Labi limited spread in southern Papua and northern Australia.
Trionychidae, Labi-Labi

Widespread in North America, (Europe), Africa and Asia, it is interest-Labi Labi most kind. In Australia, interest is only in the form of fossils. Some examples from Indonesia are:

    Machinations (Amyda cartilaginea)
    Labi-Labi alias Manlai stars (Chitra Chitra)
    Labi-Labi forest (Dogania subplana)
    Labi-Labi Irian (Pelochelys bibroni)
    Antipa, Labi-Labi giant (Pelochelys cantori)


This is a tribe of turtles are aquatic and semi-aquatic life in fresh water in Europe, Asia and especially in America. Emydidae is one of the largest tribe of turtles in terms of number of members. No species in Indonesia except in the form of animals as pets introduction. One example of many raised in Indonesia is a red ear turtle (Trachemys scripta).

A tribe of turtles that most of its members, Geoemydidae (formerly called Bataguridae) mainly spread in Southeast Asia. Beyond that, the members of this tribe are also found in northern Africa, Eurasia and tropical America. This is a tribe of freshwater turtles are mainly living in the rivers, though often found on the mainland. In Indonesia there are about 11 species. Among them:

    Biuku (Batagur Baska)
    Beluku or tuntong (Callagur borneoensis)
    Kuya shell (Cuora amboinensis)

Testudinidae, true tortoises

Is the tortoise tribe with many members of which are widespread throughout the world. Giant tortoises of the Galapagos tortoises and longevity of Kep. Seychelles at the top belongs to the tribe. Two members are in Indonesia:

    Baning Sulawesi (Indotestudo forsteni)
    Baning brown (Manouria emys)

Children of the nation Paracryptodira

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