Life habits of turtles

Turtles live in various places, from the deserts, grasslands, forests, swamps, rivers and seas. Most of its kind entirely aquatic life, both in freshwater and at sea. There are turtles are plant eaters (herbivores), meat eaters (carnivores) or mixed (omnivore).

Turtles have no teeth. But the pavement of bone in the snout of turtles could be cut out whatever food.

Turtle body size varies, some small some large. Usually indicated by carapace length (CL, carapace length). Is the largest turtle leatherback turtles, the carapace can reach a length of 300 cm. Labi-Labi Labi-Labi largest Irian, with a carapace length of about 51 inches. While the giant tortoises of Kep. Galapagos and Kep. Seychelles may exceed 50 inches in length. While the smallest is the mini turtle from South Africa, the carapace length not exceeding 8 cm.

Breeding turtles with eggs (ovipar). A number of multiple items (on tortoises) by more than one hundred eggs (in some species of sea turtles) lay eggs laid each time, usually on a sand pit on the river or sea, to be stockpiled and allowed to hatch with the help of the sun's heat. Turtle eggs hatch after about two months (50-70 days) are stored in the sand.

The sex of a turtle that children born to one of them will be determined by the temperature of the sand where the eggs are stored. In most species of turtles, the temperature is above the average practice will result in female animals. And conversely, the temperature below the average tend to produce many male animals.

Turtles, including one long-lived animals. These reptiles can live for decades, even a tortoise from Kep. Seychelles was recorded live for 152 years (1766-1918).

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