Evolution of Turtles

How the turtle's shell is formed and evolved in the process of evolution, has not obtained a clear explanation. The oldest turtle fossils from the Triassic Period (about 210 million years ago), Proganochelys, was shaped like a turtle today. The difference, bones in the back not so wide and yet all of them together to form the perfect shell. Ancient turtles live and grow more or less contemporaneous with the dinosaurs. Archelon, for example, a giant tortoise body diameter can reach more than 4 m. The oldest turtle fossils found today are the ebrasal Odontochelys of about 220 million years ago.

Many species of turtles alive today are able to hide his head, legs and tail into the shell, so as to save themselves. However, some primitive turtles, such as for example turtle, can not draw in the limbs.

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