Men and women

Turtle body protected by a kind of bone plates that make up the Batok similar shells onto the 'Punggung'nya (bony shell), two body protector for the turtle. the top, a shield and the lower is called plastron. Then each part is composed of two layers. The outer layer is generally in the form of scales big and hard, and arranged like tiles, while the inner layer of the bone plate, such as the compact shell.

The turtle was not only enthusiastic breeders, but also have external sexual characteristics are often difficult for other beings besides involving male and female turtles, which are to be determined.

Some species can be distinguished males and females tortoise2.jpgdari tail size, usually the tail of the male turtle is longer, but the larger size of females compared to males. Turtle Males can also be detected by the presence of grooves on plastronnya or shell bottom. These grooves will fit the back of female turtles, tortoises Plastron females have a flat or convex. To fertilize the female egg, turtle jantang hides his sexual organ into the cloaca or sewer. When the male the female's own position above the female and fertilizing is often moving shell or shell of a woman with his claws, tail and then tie the male cloacal opening encounter with the female cloaca. Often dozens of eggs develop internally and are usually laid and buried in the sandy soil.

Fertilization is sometimes preceded by extensive courtship rituals begin with a demonstration dance for hours and then followed by the sex act that only lasted a few minutes. Female turtles can store male sperm to fertilize her eggs, fertilized eggs, sometimes many years later.
