Men and women

Turtle body protected by a kind of bone plates that make up the Batok similar shells onto the 'Punggung'nya (bony shell), two body protector for the turtle. the top, a shield and the lower is called plastron. Then each part is composed of two layers. The outer layer is generally in the form of scales big and hard, and arranged like tiles, while the inner layer of the bone plate, such as the compact shell.

The turtle was not only enthusiastic breeders, but also have external sexual characteristics are often difficult for other beings besides involving male and female turtles, which are to be determined.

Some species can be distinguished males and females tortoise2.jpgdari tail size, usually the tail of the male turtle is longer, but the larger size of females compared to males. Turtle Males can also be detected by the presence of grooves on plastronnya or shell bottom. These grooves will fit the back of female turtles, tortoises Plastron females have a flat or convex. To fertilize the female egg, turtle jantang hides his sexual organ into the cloaca or sewer. When the male the female's own position above the female and fertilizing is often moving shell or shell of a woman with his claws, tail and then tie the male cloacal opening encounter with the female cloaca. Often dozens of eggs develop internally and are usually laid and buried in the sandy soil.

Fertilization is sometimes preceded by extensive courtship rituals begin with a demonstration dance for hours and then followed by the sex act that only lasted a few minutes. Female turtles can store male sperm to fertilize her eggs, fertilized eggs, sometimes many years later.


Stimulate bone growth are well Tortoise

To get natural-looking growth on the turtles and the country is a challenge with a variety of factors. Administrator must balance the various aspects of the diet with additional factors (environment) if you want to get it. No short cuts or gradual manner guaranteed to produce reliable results under all conditions. In fact it is very important for goalkeepers at the fundamental mechanism to understand. In this series we will discuss the types of problems beberbagai important in generating growth in a natural, healthy, and briefly discuss how the theory can be effectively practiced.

We start by talking about calcium and calcium supplements

The turtle's natural calcium has received a variety of ways. Needs large quantities are usually obtained by eating calcium-rich plants. This plant grows in the soil contains calcium, which itself is planning to get rich in this mineral. Turtles also get extra calcium to the soil particles consume a meal or with a conscious search for objects that are rich in calcium in the environment, such as skin or bone dry slag. Surprisingly, even in the desert environment, desert snails often a very large population and it is not uncommon to see hundreds of snails per square meter of skin fragments and thousands of particles in the same snail. Turtles have been observed to seek and eagerly consume. Because the snails were a source of highly concentrated and easily absorbed in the minerals that are important in situations of captivity, gross weight of calcium in the diet is rare, but it is approached with food in their natural ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the diet whole kaptive usually lower than those found in nature. Some typical examples, including Plantago sp, the ratio of calcium:. Phosphorus above 20:1 and the Opuntia sp. When the Ca: P ratios up to 78:1. Foods that often diadopted by many owners on the basis of salads and fruits, which often are low in calcium and phosphorus overload.

Opuntia cacti - plants that are rich in calcium with a Ca: P ratios are high.
If you are a turtle, a good plant food sources is very useful. If we plant in Wales, UK, so wherever you can, too.

This problem can be described in two ways
Carefully choose the food, by including foods that have a Ca: P ratios are high and issued a food that is the opposite ratio.
Be careful in the use of calcium supplements.

In practice, the combination of the two recommended ways. A problem that depends on the choice of food is a lot of plants that seem to provide the calcium-phosphorus ratio is good, it also contains substances that prevent absorb calcium. Gree mustard, turnip greens, kale, cabbage, bok choy, spinach, chard and kale are included in this category. One of the best examples of such anti-nutritional factors is oxalic acid. Other phytic acid found in high concentrations in peas, beans and legumes. Therefore, eat not only sort out the calcium and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, but also separate from plants which contain anti-nutrient levels are high. In practice it is very difficult to obtain throughout the year.

Calcium Supplements
Calcium can be supplied in various forms, some more easily absorbed and more efficiently than others. Calcium supplements are based on the bone (bone) is not recommended because it contains phosphorus, which is too high (24% calcium and 12% phosphorus). Since most foods are rich in phosphorus turtles, we believe the additional phosphorus supplementation is unnecessary and not recommended.

According to a recent review of calcium preparations in case there are at least tens of calcium preparations and hundreds of different formulas available. Calcium carbonate is a common calcium preparations and some other preparations, such as tricalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, bone meal, calcium citrate malate, oyster shell, calcium lactate, calcium gluconate and. Calcium preparations in a variety of ways. Based on the weight of calcium carbonate has a calcium concentration of the weight of 40%, 21% calcium citrate with calcium, whereas calcium phosphate, 8%. Although calcium carbonate has the highest calcium content of the weight, the form of calcium is not very soluble at neutral pH. Compared with calcium, although only half the calcium, calcium citrate is soluble in water.

Some of calcium preparations such as bone meal, dolomite may contain contaminants such as lead, aluminum, arsenic, mercury and kadnium. Examples are some calcium carbonate supplements mengadung these contaminants in large numbers. Pemakaain these supplements can lead to unnecessary security risks. Most commercial calcium preparations are tested for heavy metals contamination of this.

In theory, the use of too much calcium interfere with absorption of other nutrients such as iron and zinc, but the turtles we saw no effect. Another effect that is opposite from the use of calcium with a high dose continuous including Hypervitaminosis-D if supplements contain calcium and vitamin D. Research in humans has recently stated that increasing calcium consumption does not increase the risk of kidney stones. But limiting foods, the removal of urinary calcium oxalates which then increases the risk of kidney stones and bone problems

As a general rule, calcium carbonate is preferably used as additional sources for use on a regular basis. Safe and effective. Powdered lime (limestone) is available at cheap prices from merchants and efisiensinyapun forage in the vicinity of calcium carbonate. For emergency use, where the commercial supplements or powdered chalk is not available, the human calcium tablets are finely ground and applied to the food. Please note that the ability of calcium supplements also contain vitamin D, but generally not in the form D2 D3 form which is more needed in reptiles. Some books advocate the use of ground chicken eggshell as a source of calcium supplements. Meskpun actually contain useful amounts of calcium (Ca content was up to 39%) and in studies in humans showed that the material of the shell prevents osteoporosis in mammals should be considered for use on turtles there are weaknesses. Included in the study that the shell material trace hormones with unforeseeable consequences for turtles. And the rest of the egg membrane may contain a trace of antibiotics and also proposed as a source of contamination with salmonella organisms. Human calcium supplement derived from egg shells were extracted and cleaned in strict laboratory conditions and also chicken makanannyapun carefully monitored. The use of egg shells in the house of the store-bought eggs are not recommended because there is no quality of food provided on the chicken and the possibility of residual contamination by the hard remnants of the egg membrane or membranes.
Sepia has long been offering extra calcium in the land and water turtles in particular because it can float on water. Sepia is the most important chemical content of calcium carbonate, sodium chloride (salt), calcium phosphate, magnesium salt and an abundance of micro-trace elements. Although a high calcium content, sepia is relatively difficult to be absorbed and therefore can not be invoked as a source of cuttlefish calcium supplements alone. But the cuttlefish can be used as a second source of calcium.

Calcium Box Turtles

A form of calcium supplement that also sold in stores known as turtle to block. Most are made of plaster paris / calcium sulfate hemi-hydrate in combination with calcium carbonate with a ratio of 50 to 50 combinations. Calcium sulphate hemi-hydrate itself contains almost no calcium is useless and its use only to the adhesive so that calcium can be formed into blocks / box. Weighted assets, the turtle block contains only calcium carbonate 50% or less, later only 40% available. There are also fears of contamination by heavy metals in the gypsum plaster of Paris, where it originated. So the turtle block of plaster is a form of calcium supplement that I have not recommended


Calcium supplements that looks the safest and most effective for routine use on turtles rod Karan is an addition to the basic calcium carbonate, phosphorus-free calcium powder. It is recommended that the quality of commercial, with or without vitamin D3. Now some suppliers of vitamins and minerals, reptiles, the products are designed to meet the special needs of reptiles needs. One is the product of Vetark in the UK - Nutrobal is high calcium supplement is suitable for herbivorous reptiles. In the U.S., the Rep-Cal is also recommended as a source of calcium and phosphorus free source of the D3.

Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 plays a major role in bone formation, causing the body to absorb calcium and the proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus balance of the account. Tortoises can eat calcium per day, but if it does not get adequate amount of vitamin D3, calcium is not absorbed properly.

In nature, herbivorous turtles obtaining its requirements of vitamin D3 on the outcome of chemical reactions on the skin after exposure to UV-B sunlight spectrum. A connection is formed, known as provitamin D (7dehydroxycholesterol-7DCH). After it is converted into vitamin D by the temperature. Offering UV-B with drying temperature (nurture), which is very essential if you want this process is going well. This is one reason why the heating lamp UV-B and the new self-stabilizing Mercury vapor lamps better. They provide UVB and heat is required to pro-vitamin D into a form that can be completely absorbed by the calcium metabolism. Tube lamp UV-B fluoresecen itself can not be. When these tubes are used, an additional heating source is needed are mandatory. Without adequate heat, will not be able to work efficiently perubahannyapun

To determine whether supplements that contain vitamin D3 will vary depending on several factors, including the most important is the position where you are and how many hours your animals exposed to the sun or the type and strength / intensity of the used UV-B light use.

Generally, if you live in areas where the turtles live naturally and be able to at least three hours or four hours out of use and exposure to sunlight every day, chances are you do not depend on the addition of D3 supplements. Calcium supplements alone is sufficient. But if you live in areas where turtles live cloudy or not naturally or live outside the room is very limited, we recommend that you use supplements regularly. We recommend three times a week. If you are the UV-B light and have enough heat, you can rely on this to stimulate the synthesis of D3 is sufficient, but I am more inclined to a calcium supplement D3 combines at least two weeks.

Of course, calcium and vitamin D3 is not a part that is all that is needed for healthy growth of bones in turtles.

Magnesium is essential for the absorption of calcium and mineral in bone matrix. Has a specific effect on the parathyroid hormone that helps regulate calcium metabolism.

Phosphorus is the second most important mineral in bone and makes up more than half the weight of bone mineral. Therefore, diet should have sufficient phosphorus to build healthy bones. Almost all the turtles, there is no problem here, because most herbs / plants are very rich in this element. But the level of phosphorus in the blood is too high, the body of calcium from the bones to bind him to the discharge of blood circulation to help. As a result, the bones brittle and deformed.

Many other micro-elements are also important, such as manganese, zinc, boron and strontioum. They may not be available with calcium supplements or calcium with D3 alone. Foods that are suitable and varied course will provide everything but a wide range of mineral supplements can also be used to ensure that these elements are available on a regular basis. We recommend these supplements are not used more than once a week.

In short, to enable the calcium needed turtles, especially during growth or a female tortoise that was betelur to offer:

Try to provide food keseluruhanya have calcium-phosphorus ratio is correct.
Do not rely on things that are rich in oxalates, phytates, or compounds reducing calcium
Consider carefully the needs of vitamin D3. Provide adequate levels of natural sunlight, use UV-B light enough, properly installed and maintained. Or give D3 supplement at least 3 times a week.
Provide broad-spectrum mineral supplement once a week. Vionate example.

by Andy C. Highfield